CREEPY ORPHAN SOCIETY BUST...In memory of dear orphan Thea' who spent her childhood years as a permanent resident of the creepy orphan society and later caretaker for the other pitiful souls who due to "behavior" problems were not adoptable...may this bust of her severed head serve as a reminder of her years of dedicated service...
Thea is wonderful Christen. Amazing job and thanks for posting her so we can see your wonderful work. I know this group is just going to be amazing! Thank you for joining us and keep making your creepy orphans. I love them.
Oh wow, very cool Creepy Orphan! Love it!
ReplyDeleteTerrific job Christen! Yes, she looks creepier than creepy ;-)
ReplyDeleteFinally getting over here to visit and see what everyone has been creating this week! I love your Creepy Orphan Bust! Poor old soul!! Dedicated her life to those Creepy Orphans and look what thanks she got!! A severed head!! You did an awesome job!! I love her eyes! So creepy and so life-like!! Fantastic art work!!
thank you every one for your lovely comments...hugs...christen
ReplyDeleteNice blog, perfect for Halloween, speaking of Halloween I found this website that can create a super-realistic mask of anyone from just a photo. Imagine going as yourself, your boss, your favorite celebrity or worst enemy to a Halloween party?!